art gallery

My drawings(that I've imported onto my computer) from oldest to newest

This is Momo from talk that talk era, I think I like everything about it except for the eyes and background.

This is actually older than the one above, but this Chaeyoung's iconic outfit from fancy.

This is just a silly little sketch I did when I was practicing male anatomy, it's 2 of my OCs. Idk what the poses are either.

This is a sketch I did when my sister randomly challenged me to a wonyoung drawing contest. Little did I know I spent an hour on this while all she did was put a drawing filter over a picture of her. It was actually kinda funny I must admit. She looks more like wendy than wonyoung tho.

This a drawing I did for an assignment in world geography. We had to make a fancy 10-page powerpoint on a country and mind you we had TWO DAYS. I chose Ireland for mine and because I wanted to impress my classmates and get compliments, I just had to be extra and make this drawing. She's one of my little sister's OCs, her name is Karma.

This is Tzuyu from a stage in Set Me Free era. I also made this one in a day to show to my classmates.

I wanted to try an art style without outlines so I drew this because we were reading "The Most Dangerous Game" in school and I wanted to challenge myself to draw someone completely off of description. Ik it kinda looks like Stalin but it's my depiction of general Zaroff.

Wanted to do the outline-less style again so I drew one of my OCs. Her face is pretty but I think I did way better on Zaroff, this one was too rushed.

This is also older but I only recently took a pic of them cuz they've been rotting in my notebook. Anyways I drew Twice in Friday Night Funkin's style.

A sketch of me and my sister's OCs(the big titty one is mine)

A sketch of another one of my little sister's OCs

An attempt at doing a full drawing on paper. It's eve psyche sakura but why she look like J-Cole lmao. I like the jeans tho

Another sketch I did because I was having a black mamba(reversed) moment and I was like "this would totally be scary to people" & realized I've never drawn anything scary so I wanted to try, she's so coquette

As you can see above I'm actually NOT good at drawing scary stuff but I liked the "white background, dark accents" combo so I pushed through for another one. It's Minnie(GIDLE) from "Oh My God" MV.

She's Niyu one of my favorite OCs I had fun drawing this

Fanart of a fanart of kuromi sana ft. Niyu at the bottom, this is my current phone wallpaper